We have been renting for 20 years and we have had many satisfied guests who return every year. During the entire stay, we are available to guests, we offer a transfer to the airport Krk for a surcharge. Each apartment is air conditioned, has wifi and satellite TV. For more information contact us.
We have been renting for 20 years and we have had many satisfied guests who return every year. During the entire stay, we are available to guests, we offer a transfer to the airport Krk for a surcharge. Each apartment is air conditioned, has wifi and satellite TV. For more information contact us.
Absolútna spokojnosť. Apartmán moderné zariadeny, čistý, voňavý. Zariadenie všetko, čo pre bežný chod je potreba aj nad rámec ( práčka a umývačka boli moje naj kamošky). Klíma funkčná. Nádherný výhľad - hodnotím apartmán 4+1. A pani domáca? Neverila som, že tak ústretoví ľudia ešte existujú. Keď som jej písala 10.07 ráno o 7mej či má náhodou voľný apartmán na 3noci, neverila som že večer už budem sedieť v aute a 11.7 ráno sa už kúpať v Selciach v mori. Neskutočná ochota. Komunikácia rýchla. Keby sa dalo dať 10 ⭐ tak toto ubytovanie a pani domáca si ich zaslúži. Ďakujeme