Apartmán Sumartin


The house is older, surrounded by Mediterranean plants and flowers, and ideally fit into the peace of the island. They are an ideal choice for families or groups of friends who will enjoy socializing in the middle of beautiful nature by the fireplace in the courtyard. You will be won over by the beautiful view of the sea and the entire town from the west side, and from the east side the view of the magnificent...

icon Praha » Island of Brac 1117km
12h 53min

Море: 250m

Центр города: 180m


Парковочное место
Region: Split


Stipe Aničić Tel: +38521648101 Mob: +385 95 895 06 26
В каталоге от 2014.

Владелец говорит:

Ubytovací jednotka Informace Mapa


The house is older, surrounded by Mediterranean plants and flowers, and ideally fit into the peace of the island. They are an ideal choice for families or groups of friends who will enjoy socializing in the middle of beautiful nature by the fireplace in the courtyard. You will be won over by the beautiful view of the sea and the entire town from the west side, and from the east side the view of the magnificent mountain Biokovo. The house consists of 3 apartments in its offer with a total capacity of 12 people, less than 10 minutes' walk from the center of the town and 300 meters from the beach. We are waiting for you here to provide you with warm Dalmatian hospitality for a pleasant stay... you will feel at home with us.


amenities icons Кондиционер
amenities icons Парковочное место
amenities icons tv
amenities icons Двор
amenities icons washing machine
amenities icons Морозильная камера
amenities icons ТВ+САТ
amenities icons Балкон
amenities icons Холодильник
amenities icons Туристический сбор
amenities icons Гриль
amenities icons Радио
amenities icons Терраса
amenities icons Интернет
amenities icons Плита
amenities icons Возможен полупансион
amenities icons Mикроволновая печь
amenities icons Постельные принадлежности
amenities icons Полотенца
amenities icons teapot


icon Море
icon Пляж
icon Mагазин
icon Центр города
icon Ресторан
icon Банкомат
icon Aвтовокзал
icon Доктор
icon Аптека
icon Cпортивная площадка
icon Бензоколонка
icon Почта
Pláže v okolí: Бетонный пляж, Галечный пляж


Platební podmínky:

Záloha je 15% z ceny
Možnosti platby:
Bankovní převod
0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
2 кровати 2 дополнительные кровати 1 спальни





Mикроволновая печь

Affordable accommodation where you can enjoy a simple holiday at your own pace with your family. It consists of 1 room with a view of the sea and the town, an auxiliary sofa bed, a bathroom with a shower/bathtub, and a kitchen with a dining room.

podívej se na jiný termín?
0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
6 кровати 3 спальни





Mикроволновая печь

podívej se na jiný termín?
0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
4 кровати 2 спальни

We are proud to present this apartment to you and invite you to spend a summer vacation to remember. Superior accommodation awaits you. Spend carefree moments on the large terrace or balcony and enjoy the spectacular view. The apartment is located on the

podívej se na jiný termín?

Отзывы гостей

Идеальный 5/5

Рейтинг основан на 4 отзывах


Zuzana M.

Останавливались в A6+0
Август 2024 | Представлены: 16.8.2024

Určite odporúčam ubytovanie,mali sme rezervované všetky tri apartmány a nemám čo vytknúť.Velmi sa nám páčilo,pláže boli krásne,ubytovanie perfektne a domáci užastný ľudia, pripravili Nám večeru.Ďakujeme Vám za krásny pobyt.


Peter Plavčan

Останавливались в A2+2
Июль 2024 | Представлены: 8.8.2024

Perfektné ubytovanie so všetkým komfortom, ktorý človek/rodina potrebuje. Navyše, domáci sú veľmi milí, pohostinní a komunikatívni ľudia. Boli sme tam veľmi spokojní. Ďakujeme.


Marta Ja

Останавливались в A2+2
Август 2024 | Представлены: 1.8.2024

Ak si chcete pokazit dovolenku, odporucam apartman 2+2. Po 12 hodinach cesty zo Slovenska, nas cakali v apatrmane chrobaky, špina, smrad v apatrmane. Obliecky a uteraky, neboli ciste, pri toalete bol kybel na splachovanie vody ( kedze nefungovala) V skriniach boli nejake haraburdy a veci. Pani domaca sa ani kupelnu neunuvala vycistit. A vrchol vsetkeho bola pokazena pracka, z ineho apatrmanu ( nemali ju kde dat)Museli sme odist po 1 noci, nikdy viac. Najsmutnejsie na tom je to, ze som apatrtman mala rezervovany od januara. Zaplatit za noc v tomto apartmane by mali zaplatit nam. My ubytovanie neodporucame!


Kristina Marovdi

Останавливались в A2+2
Август 2024 | Представлены: 16.7.2024


Eva Siftova

Представлены : 13.02.2014

This accommodation is really nice. Even if it is not directly on the beach, the view from the balcony to the sea is worth it! Moreover, owners are very nice people and the boat trip with a captain is unforgettable experience. My family really enjoyed our holidays there! :)


Cecília Tesáková Mihaľová

Представлены : 24.10.2014

Skvelé ubytovanie v čarovnom mestečku. Odporúčam navštíviť :) Domáci sú veľmi ústretoví ...