Apartmány Maris

A perfect place to stay is the starting point of any perfect holiday. We invite you to discover your haven of privacy and beauty this summer in apartment Maris. It consists of a 85m2 indoor space on the ground floor and large patio in front. Designed to offer all our visitors comfortable vacations. Includes indoor space of 2 comfortable bedrooms, a bathroom, a large living room with sofa-bed and kitchen-dining...

icon Praha » Podstrana 1037km
10h 44min

Море: 10m

Центр города: 500m


Парковочное место
Město: Podstrana
Region: Split


Paula Kovačević Tel: +385997781110 Mob:
В каталоге от 2022.

Владелец говорит:

Ubytovací jednotka Informace Mapa


A perfect place to stay is the starting point of any perfect holiday. We invite you to discover your haven of privacy and beauty this summer in apartment Maris. It consists of a 85m2 indoor space on the ground floor and large patio in front. Designed to offer all our visitors comfortable vacations. Includes indoor space of 2 comfortable bedrooms, a bathroom, a large living room with sofa-bed and kitchen-dining area, characterized by quality, ergonomic and excellent equipment. The unique location of our villa, provides the exceptional advantage to reach Super markets, coffee & pastry shops, grocery stores, pharmacies, local taverns, and mostly everything you might need for your vacation in less then 10min. Come with your family or a group of friends and make new memories while staying in stunning ultra luxurious beach front apartment. Enjoy peace, quiet, charming interiors and the luxury amenities of Adriatic coast.


amenities icons Кондиционер
amenities icons Парковочное место
amenities icons tv
amenities icons Двор
amenities icons washing machine
amenities icons Морозильная камера
amenities icons ТВ+САТ
amenities icons Холодильник
amenities icons Туристический сбор
amenities icons Гриль
amenities icons Радио
amenities icons Терраса
amenities icons Интернет
amenities icons Плита
amenities icons Mикроволновая печь
amenities icons Постельные принадлежности
amenities icons Полотенца
amenities icons teapot


icon Море
icon Пляж
icon Mагазин
icon Центр города
icon Ресторан
icon Банкомат
icon Aвтовокзал
icon Доктор
icon Аптека
icon Cпортивная площадка
icon Бензоколонка
icon Почта
Pláže v okolí: Песочный пляж, Бетонный пляж, Галечный пляж


Platební podmínky:

Záloha je 10% z ceny
Možnosti platby:
Bankovní převod,Paypal
0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
4 кровати 2 дополнительные кровати 2 спальни

A perfect place to stay is the starting point of any perfect holiday. We invite you to discover your haven of privacy and beauty this summer in apartment Maris. It consists of a 85m2 indoor space on the ground floor and large patio in front. Designed t

Отзывы гостей

Идеальный 4.78/5