Apartmány Stanka

+385 92 251 9926

The apartments are located in Podstrana - St. Martin, about 10 km from Split, the largest city in the region and the second largest city in Croatia. The house is located directly on the beach, about ten meters from the sea and is used only for vacation. In front of the house is a beach with all the facilities for a holiday in the sun. We organize a variety of entertainment such as fish picnic, barbecue in the old...

icon Praha » Podstrana 1037km
10h 44min

Море: 3m

Центр города: 300m


Парковочное место
Město: Podstrana
Region: Split


Luka Bakota Tel: +385 92 251 9926 Mob: +385 92 251 9926
В каталоге от 2015.

Владелец говорит:

Ubytovací jednotka Informace Mapa


The apartments are located in Podstrana - St. Martin, about 10 km from Split, the largest city in the region and the second largest city in Croatia. The house is located directly on the beach, about ten meters from the sea and is used only for vacation. In front of the house is a beach with all the facilities for a holiday in the sun. We organize a variety of entertainment such as fish picnic, barbecue in the old Podstrana. For guests arriving by train, boat or plane we arrange their own transfer. Owners always available.


amenities icons Кондиционер
amenities icons Парковочное место
amenities icons tv
amenities icons Двор
amenities icons washing machine
amenities icons Морозильная камера
amenities icons ТВ+САТ
amenities icons Балкон
amenities icons Холодильник
amenities icons Туристический сбор
amenities icons Радио
amenities icons Терраса
amenities icons Интернет
amenities icons Плита
amenities icons Mикроволновая печь
amenities icons Постельные принадлежности
amenities icons Полотенца
amenities icons teapot


icon Море
icon Пляж
icon Mагазин
icon Центр города
icon Ресторан
icon Банкомат
icon Aвтовокзал
icon Доктор
icon Аптека
icon Cпортивная площадка
icon Бензоколонка
icon Почта
Pláže v okolí: Галечный пляж


Platební podmínky:

Možnosti platby:
Bankovní převod
0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
2 кровати 1 спальни






The apartment is located on the first floor of the house, in front of the apartment there is a terrace with an outdoor table for you. The apartment has a view of the garden and the mountain.

0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
3 кровати 1 дополнительные кровати 1 спальни






The apartment is located on the ground floor of the house and has a view of the sea. In front of the apartment there is an outdoor table with a view of the sea.

0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
2 кровати 1 спальни

The apartment is located on the first floor of the house, in front of the apartment is a terrace with an outdoor table. The apartment has a view of the garden and the mountains.

0 RUB /pobyt
Цена указана за 2 Взрослые, Дети a 10 дней
3 кровати 1 дополнительные кровати 1 спальни

Отзывы гостей

Идеальный 5/5


Lucia Dufalova

Представлены : 07.05.2018

Sme tri rodiny: 2 dospely plus 3 rocne dieta, 2 dospely a trojrocne dieta plus rocne dieta, dvaja dospely a 11 rocne dieta a 15 rocne dieta


Boris Debeljak

Представлены : 09.05.2018

vyplňte kontaktný formulár uvedený vyššie a dostanete odpoveď od majiteľa objektu na svoj email


Aleš Tkadleček

Представлены : 28.06.2020

Perfect apartment right on the beach. Clean and cosy. Lovely view from terrace. Close to the shops and restaurants. There is not too many tourists as on the other beaches in Podstrana. Sea is clean and approx.
2m from shore is sand which is very comfortable. Sunbeds are free to use. Location is perfect for trips to Trogir, Split and Omiš. Apartment owner Luka is very helpful and friendly young man. So far our best holiday in Croatia. Btw. domestic wine was amazing and vegetables very tasty.


Olga Asarabowska

Представлены : 27.05.2017

- doskonałe miejsce do wypoczynku
- spokojna okolica, bezpiecznie, rodzinna atmosfera
- dom do wyłącznej dyspozycji turystów, swoboda
- bardzo gościnni, mili gospodarze
- 10m do morza (dno piaszczyste, plaża -drobne kamyczki)
- 100m punkt medyczny, apteka
- 300m - supermarket, piekarnia i restauracja
- niedaleko Split i Omis
- możliwość odbioru i odwiezienia na lotnisko w Splicie


Gajdůšková Kristýna

Представлены : 25.05.2017

V tomto apartmánu jsme trávili dovolenou již dvakrát. Se službami i prostředím jsme spokojeni, lidé jsou milí a vstřícní, v blízkosti ubytování se nachází spousta atraktivnich míst pro děti i dospělé. Proto sem jedeme již potřetí! Velka spokojenost :)


Velartová Kristýna

Представлены : 25.05.2017

V tomto apartmánu jsme trávili dovolenou již dvakrát. Se službami i prostředím jsme spokojeni, lidé jsou milí a vstřícní, v blízkosti ubytování se nachází spousta atraktivnich míst pro děti i dospělé. Proto sem jedeme již potřetí! Velka spokojenost :)